I stopped by the set of Build Brunch to talk with Ali, Shannon, Brittany, and Lukas about “What You Don’t Know IS Hurting You: 4 Keys To A Phenomenal Career” and how you can use the 4 keys to build your success.

I stopped by the set of Build Brunch to talk with Ali, Shannon, Brittany, and Lukas about “What You Don’t Know IS Hurting You: 4 Keys To A Phenomenal Career” and how you can use the 4 keys to build your success.
Listen In: Leadership Development News with Dr. Cathy Greenberg and Dr. Relly Nadler I am honored to have a new podcast up at Leadership Development News. Leadership Development News: Provides listeners with practical, actionable insights on how to be and how to develop dynamic, effective leaders. Leadership is a vital skill set in this competitive global economy. Drs. Greenberg and Nadler…
Last night’s book signing made the Los Angles stop of the book tour U N F O R G E T T A B L E. Great music, great vibes, and an amazing group of people that supported this project and my mission to improve the lives of others with the #4careerkeys. As I was signing books I was honored to…
I was excited to be on Gay’s PSA (Public Service Announcements) Radio Show. Gay’s energy and passion was infectious and we dug deep into my background and how where I came from led me to the success I experience today… and the obstacles I still work work to overcome. In this interview, we really get into the heart and soul…
I first want to say that I’m honored to be a guest on Bold TV. There were a number of great guests on the show, but during my segment we had a great time as we discussed my book, and the 4 Keys/4 P’s and how they relate to career success. You don’t want to be a career parasite! There…
Rolling Out media company interviewed Marion E. Brooks about how his new book ” What You Don’t Know IS Hurting You: 4 Keys to Phenomenal Career”. In this intimate Q&A Marion shares his inspiration for his first book, the process of writing, reflection on that process, and more!
“I was inspired to write this book after a coaching client told me what I had taught her was The invaluable and that she wasn’t the only one who needed to know this information.”
Marion continues to speak about his writing style using humor and real stories to drive the message home. Among others mentioned, “Change Your Questions Change Your Life” by Marilee Adams is one of the books that most impacted his writing. He also delves into the writing and publication process and how important a trusted mentor is to a successful publication experience and outcome. From who is currently reading to other authors on his radar, Marion prepares for his upcoming book tour launch by staying on top of the publishing game and continuing to seek growth and inspiration for his next book…
Read more in the article Career Coach Marion E. Brooks Shares How to Excel in the Workplace in New Book
Special thank you to The Patch [New Jersey] for their coverage and announcement of my new book! You can check out the write-up here. Much appreciated, and I’m grateful for their support.
Tune In: Book Endorsement by Lisa Nichols “In this day and age, when what you don’t know is hurting you, I want to encourage you to pick this book up and devour it. It’s delicious with content and information. Marion is one of the most profound, powerful, absolutely insightful teachers that can teach you and inspire you. Get the book, get…
Tanya Brockett, a ghostwriter, editor, and publishing mentor, interviews Marion on Hallagen Ink, a place for authors to go for insight, support and inspiration. Tanya speaks with Marion about how he expanded his role from an internationally certified executive coach, global leader, entrepreneur, and corporate leader to a best-selling author on Amazon!
“…listen to the excitement in Marion’s voice. It will inspire you to take your message and package it into a bestselling-worthy book so the world can benefit from your words.” ~Tanya Brockett
This interview gives you the exclusive opportunity to hear directly from Marion on how you can enhance your career by learning and applying Marion’s’ four essential keys: Performance, Perceptions, Positioning, and Persistence. PLUS Marion will share some of his personal journey to becoming a bestselling author and his advice for others considering publishing. The road to publication can be a challenging one, even with the support of many, including “Lani” Phillips, the Chief Transformation Officer of Microsoft Corporation, who is a leader that rose to the top of one of the most successful corporations in the world. Lani not only wholeheartedly believes in Marion’s assessment of what it takes to succeed; she wishes she had this book when she started her corporate career.
Tanya Brockett highlights her favorites from the book: “The chapters on mentors and networking are eye opening. And wait until you learn about the power stance!”
Listen to the full interview to learn more about Marion’s 4 Keys that are beneficial regardless of your line of work
If you’ve moved from job to job, and still haven’t been able to move into the position that you’ve been yearning for… I recommend that you read this article from the Ladders where we discuss the things you should consider before you quit. The truth of the matter is, you follow yourself wherever you go, so before you make sure that you are certain that you aren’t taking the source of your issues with you into your next role, or you may find yourself in the same position with different scenery. It’s time to break the cycle.